Friday, February 5, 2010

My items on Etsy's Treasuries

For the first time since I opened my Etsy shop, I am in 7 Treasuries*! I'd love to thanks all friends who included me:
RedFenyx who, with her two shops (RedFenyx and RedFenyxJewels), included on her treasuries my "Cute Frog and water lilies rack" and "Wall Art - Pink and chocolate Clay tiles"

Valeriatelier who included the "Elegant brown and ivory wedding ring bearer pillow"

Coccinellerouge who included the "Embroidered heart-shaped white and pink wedding ring bearer pillow"

Mireloom whoo chosen "Monsters in love - cute and funny clay miniatures"

Zuccherofilato who picked my "Original sheep toothpick holder-gift idea or party supply"

Relydesign who included "Wall Art - Pink and chocolate Clay tiles"

*"the Treasury is an ever-changing, member-curated shopping gallery of handpicked items"


  1. Congratulazioniiii!!
    E speriamo che qualcuna arrivi in FP! ;)

  2. é una soddisfazione quando si è in tante treasury o no??? ;) complimenti

  3. Eh sì!! Grazie Rely per il commento e per avermi inserito! :)


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